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Strategies for parenting your kids and teens

Undoubtedly, one of the greatest gifts that parents can receive is children. But isn't it true, the more you love something the harder you work for it?

Parenting your kids and teens

While parenting children into mature adults it's not only them who get to be disciplined and taught, it's parents as well.

There are a lot of things that you need to consider especially when your adorable cute toddlers turn into school age kids and later on into hard to manage teens.

Between 2 and 4 years of age, parents are encouraged to be patient managing their toddlers, teaching them some good manners and the proper ways to behave like sharing, saying "please" and "thank you". These basic lessons are the most important lessons to be taught, as well as the most important ones to be learned. However, the older the children get the fewer lessons they seem to remember. Facing this, parents often resort to bribery among other desperate tactics to get their children to do what they ask them to.

Be positive

But as parents, you should understand that this is part of your child’s growth and learning experience and as primary caregivers you more than ever need to be patient with your offspring. That is why you are advised to always use praise, point out the strengths, compliment their children by recognizing all the times they are being good and always giving them positive feedback; all in the name of self-confidence.

Use discipline

Of course, there are situations when children do wrong things and praise would not be appropriate. It is very common for parents to punish them. But refer to it as discipline rather than punishment. Remind your kids about what mistakes they had made which caused you to discipline them as their long-term memory might not be fully developed. When it's time to discipline don’t use yelling or spanking as the last resort. Children will learn nothing except hate and fear.

Check in with your child

As kids grow they might not be as open and sharing as they used to be when it comes to their feelings and emotions. Make it a habit to check in with your child daily. Dinnertime is a good chance to catch up on what is going on at school or with their friends. Try not to ask general questions "Did you have a good day?” or "How was your day?”. The kids are sure to limit themselves to “Yes”, “No”, “Fine” answers. To open up the way to a good communication ask for updates. For example, “What happened to you today?” or “What was the most fun thing you did today?”.

Try to be a good listener first and foremost. Some teenagers do not appreciate their parents to comment on or judge their experiences. Respect that. Build up trust. Consequently, the children will be the ones interested in your opinion and advice.

Be respectful

And one more thing to keep in mind, it is very important for parents to show respect to their child by not discussing him/her with relatives or friends.

Kids and teens should be given a lot of consideration because they are in their age of change and formation. It is the duty of their parents to raise them into good men and women by using the right tactics and managing their own emotions.